Analysis of Saucer Shenanigans - Mystery Master
Scroll To Bottom Mystery Master Analysis of Saucer Shenanigans Member


This three-star logic puzzle has 5 noun types, 5 nouns per type, 3 links, 18 facts, and no rules. It needs 250 marks and 10 grids.

The obvious noun types for this puzzle are: "Day", "Farmer", "Shape", and "Color". The less obvious noun type that must be added is "Kidnap". This is because one of the five farmers who sighted a UFO was actually kidnapped. The nouns for "Kidnap" are "No1", "No2", "No3", "No4", and "Yes". I use the link "before" to sort the "No" values to avoid duplicate solutions.

I also want to point out that the function for the link "three days after" must be manually defined. That is because not every day is specified - Monday and Thursday are missing.

After the above issues are worked out, the program finds the solution fairly easily.