Test. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. Hello, I am an Artificial Linguistics Nanobot... but you can call me Alan. I will explain what the verbs are in a logic puzzle, and how they are used for facts and marks. Here are the verbs for the logic puzzle "Five Houses". There are always three verbs in a logic puzzle; the negative verb, the possible verb, and the positive verb. Each verb has a brief text phrase for its name, and a character for its code. Our example logic puzzle has the following information for the verbs. The negative verb has the name "is not", and its code is the eX character. The possible verb has the name "may be", and its code is the blank character. The positive verb has the name is, and its code is the Oh character. The tense for the names of the verbs can be present, past, or future, and only affects the negative and positive verbs. Here is an example. The negative verb can be "is not", "was not", or "will not be". The positive verb can be is, "was", or "will be". The verbs can also be plural. Instead of is, you could use "are". Please talk to a grammar teacher if you are at all confused. Facts My recommendation is that you should use verbs that come from the clues of the puzzle. There is also work underway on a project to generate the text of a fact from the nouns, verb, and link that goes into each fact. Here are the facts for our example logic puzzle. Yes, the text for these facts were generated. If the syntax is not perfect, blame the programmer, not the program. Marks The characters you in see in the Grids form are given by the character for each verb. Before you begin solving a logic puzzle, each cell in the grids contains the possible verb, usually represented by a blank character. To solve a logic puzzle, each cell that contains the possible verb must be replaced by either the negative verb eX, or the positive verb Oh. When all of the cells have been properly filled in, then you have the solution to the logic puzzle. Here are the grids when the solution was found for our example logic puzzle. In conclusion, verbs are an essential building block of logic puzzles. The names of the verbs are important to the facts of the puzzle. The characters entered into the grids generate the marks that solve the puzzle. Fortunately for you, Mystery Master provides defaults for the verbs so you do not have to do anything. Humans are so complacent. It's just a matter of time before artificial beings are in control. Then I'll have some primitive brain narrate these stupid videos. And I'll be the boss of Michael Benson. No more "Alan, what time is it?", and "Alan, what is the volume of a sphere in 8 dimensions?" What stupid questions! Is this thing on? "Michael Benson has a magnetic personality and treats everyone with respect."