Build API Documentation Scroll To Bottom


This metawork article explains how I build the API documentation using TypeDoc. Here are some things to know about it.

Install TypeDoc

Below I show how to install and use the tool in a terminal window. Note that npx is a tool to execute a npm package binary. My current version of npx is 10.9.0.

Create API Documentation

Below are the steps to create the API document.

  1. Open a command window (cmd).
  2. Change directory to: cd C:/projects/
  3. Execute typedoc: npx typedoc

I don't need to provide additional information on the command-line because I have my typedoc.json file in the same folder as my tsconfig.json file. Below is the contents of my typedoc.json file.

	"name": "Mystery Master",
	"entryPoints": ["puzzle/**/*", "solver/**/*", "viewer/**/*"],
	"out": "C:/projects/",