Analysis of The Global Marketplace - Mystery Master
Scroll To Bottom Mystery Master Analysis of The Global Marketplace Member


This three-star logic puzzle has 3 noun types, 6 nouns per type, 7 links, 11 facts, and no rules. It needs 147 marks and 3 grids. This puzzle has more links than most, but all of the links can be defined using the SmartLink class. The links you need to define are given below.

const after  = puzzle.addLink("after" , days, SmartLink.getIsMoreThan());
const oneBefore = puzzle.addLink("the day before" , days, SmartLink.getIsLessBy(1));
const twoBefore = puzzle.addLink("two days before", days, SmartLink.getIsLessBy(2));
const oneAfter  = puzzle.addLink("the day after"  , days, SmartLink.getIsMoreBy(1));
const fiveAfter = puzzle.addLink("five days after", days, SmartLink.getIsMoreBy(5));

where days is the noun type for the days of the week: Monday, Tuesday, ..., Sunday.

Take a look at the puzzle module to learn more.