Analysis of Rural Delivery - Mystery Master
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This three-star logic puzzle has 5 noun types, 5 nouns per type, 3 links, 25 facts (two are not used by the program), and no rules. It needs 250 marks and 10 grids. Note: For JavaScript programmers, this puzzle has the noun "package", which is a keyword in JavaScript. To avoid conflict, I use the variable name "apackage". Such is the hardships of a programmer.

This puzzle is interesting to me because it uses logic that I may incorporate into my program. What I need to better understand is the combinations of clues 2 and 8, and clues 2 and 9.

Clue 2 states: "The five men are (in no particular order): Ned, Mr. Franklin, the man who raises sheep, the one who received a feed store advertisement and the one who received a bill from the farm vet."

Clue 8 states: "Mr. Petersen (who isn't Ned) isn't the one who raises sheep."

Looking at clues 2 and 8, Mr. Petersen is not Ned, is certainly not Mr. Franklin, and is not the man who raises sheep. This means he received either the ad or the bill. Therefore, he cannot receive the letter, package, or postcard. If I don't consider this, the program can solve the puzzle, but needs to make assumptions.

Clue 9 states: "Rufus (who isn't Franklin) didn't receive the feed store advertisement." Looking at clues 2 and 9, Rufus is certainly not Ned, is not Mr. Franklin, and didn't receive the ad. This means he is either the man who raises sheep, or the one who received the bill. It seems I cannot gleam more information than what I already know.